Dual occupancy is characterised as being two dwellings on a single block. They are high-density living arrangements that can cater to a huge range of demographics. The benefits of having a dual-occupancy property are numerous. They give investors the chance to make a good return on their investment because you have two income streams coming in, without the additional fees that are commonly associated with having independent land.
1. They’re Growing in Popularity
Generational shifts have really increased the popularity of various buildings. More and more people are moving into urbanised areas but they still require some degree of contact with family members. These houses give you the chance to have two dwellings on a single land title, with far lower costs. The growing popularity means that this type of house may well become the norm in the near future. So many more people are looking into having a dual occupancy property and the great thing about them is that they tend to be worth more as well. A lot of this comes down to the demand for these types of properties, but at the same time, it also comes down to the market allowing for these properties to be customised so easily.
2. There are Various Types of Property Available
When you explore the realm of dual occupancy, you will soon find that there are numerous styles available. You have dual occupancy, which are attached. This is two homes on the same part of land, and they are joined by a dividing wall. This can be the full length of the house and are sometimes referred to as being duplexes. You also have dual occupancy detached homes. This is two homes which are on the same piece of land but are separate from one another. A secondary dwelling is two homes on the same piece of land. They can be attached or detached, but homes that fall into this category cannot be subdivided at all.
3. They have a Lot of Potential
Dual occupancy is otherwise known as being shared living. Each home will have a dedicated entrance, a yard and even amenities. You may make the decision to build a secondary home in the subdivision. One of them can be the main home, but the second one cannot be more than 60m squared. Either way, this gives you a lot of potential to work with and you may even find that you can handle whatever comes your way in life, purely because you have the space to accommodate for changes within the family.
4. They’re Affordable to Build
If you need a lot of space, then you’ll be glad to know that dual occupancy homes are very easy to build. There are a lot of services that can help you to achieve the desired result and it’s a great way for you to get a lot of space without the high cost of the land. If you want to create a spacious property then you’ll be glad to know that dual occupancy could offer you a ton of benefits and you would be surprised at how easy it is for you to not only get the best result out of your land, but also your investment in general.
5. The Build Time is Quick
Another thing that you should know about dual occupancy is that the build time tends to be pretty quick. When you explore the concept of dual occupancy, you will soon find that in most cases, your home may be done in under 8 months. This does depend on the size of your home and how complicated your build is in general, but at the end of the day, if you go through a reputable service with long-standing experience like Meridian homes then you will soon find that the turnaround time is very quick and that it is more than possible for you to not only get the property you want but also at a price you can afford. If you’re looking to get a quote, then we can talk you through the potential of your design and the price it is going to come to overall, contact us here.
Of course, there are so many benefits to having a property that is dual occupancy and if you are interested in investing in one then you’ll soon find that there are many options available. It provides you with a good style of property that will change and adapt to the needs of your family and this is fantastic to say the least.